BHDG Architecture Interiors

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Marion Veterans Administration Medical Center Widen Commander Drive

The US Veterans Administration thru the VISN 15 Contracting Office selected BHDG Architects to design the renovation of the historic Main Commander Drive and vista toward the Marion VA Medical Center Complex. The Marion VA is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. BHDG completed a Section 106 Review of the National Historic Preservation Act as well as coordination with the State Historic Preservation Office on behalf of the Marion VAMC with respect to the project improvements which included the relocation and replacement of the drive, storm drainage, historic lighting, sidewalks, landscaping, etc. The purpose of the project was to replace the campus entry drive in a manner allowing coordination with a newly required IDOT intersection while still retaining those elements of the drive and vista that were deemed to be historically significant. The project was designed to allow for a two phase construction process which allowed the drive and main campus entry/exit to remain operational at all times throughout the entire construction process.


US Dept of Veterans Affairs, VA Heartland Network – VISN 15




  • Historic Preservation
  • Site Master Plan
  • Phased Construction