BHDG Architecture Interiors

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2020 Lucky Dog Design Challenge

Description of Competition

BHDG Architects in Nashville, TN, is excited to participate in the Lucky Dog Design Challenge!  Hosted by Herman Miller (@hermanmiller_nash) and Alfred Williams & Company (@alfredwilliamsnash), the event showcases the creative transformation of the iconic Magis Puppy – brought to life through Elements and principles of design – from the local architecture and design community. The newly created puppies are showcased at the Alfred Williams & Company showroom.  All proceeds raised are donated to the local Nashville Humane Society.

The two awards for the 2020 Lucky Dog Design Challenge are the “People’s Choice Award” and “Good Design Challenge Winner.” The virtual voting is to select the “People’s Choice Award.” The “Good Design Challenge Winner” is selected by a panel of judges.

The winners are announced the week of October 26th.

Joe Cool Discovers Spaces in Music City.

Description of Submission

“Joe Cool Discovers Spaces in Music City.”

The element of design and the basis of our concept is driven by space. We are inspired by the iconic Music City and the inspiring art that adorns many of its walls.  We have transformed our Magic Puppy into SNOOPY.  Snoopy has his own house featuring several iconic murals from the surrounding downtown neighborhoods.  His fence features many dogs and cats that are up for adoption at the Nashville Humane Society.

The day after “Joe Cool” visited spaces in Music City, our neighbors and many local businesses endured significant damage from the March 3rd tornadoes. Unfortunately, many of these spaces do not exist anymore and are memorialized on our dog house.

Please join us in helping those still impacted or displaced by the March 3rd Tornadoes. Donations can be made to the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee (@communityfoundationmidtn) and Hands On Nashville (@honashville) – who is also organizing volunteers to help with tornado relief.

If you want to donate items, Community Resource Center is asking for baby food, batteries, trash bags, tarps, and personal hygiene products.