BHDG Architecture Interiors

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U.S. Air Force & USACE MED Full SID/FFE Services - 35 Buildings

BHDG Architects was selected to complete architectural services on a 100,000 sf Parts Warehouse as well as full CID services on multiple new building types including Administrative Facilities, Maintenance Buildings, Aircraft Hangars, Dining Facilities, Emergency Crash Services Facility, PAX Terminal, Mortuary, and other support buildings in the Middle East. For all services provided, the goals of the projects were to provide a functional, durable, as well as climate and mission appropriate designs which were aesthetically consistent with adjacent structures.   FFE services are being designed / specified Open Market Source Procurement using the Basis of Design and two equals consistent with the required FFE procurement method utilizing MILCON funding and 2017 NDAA requirements.


USACE MED / AFCENT thru intermediary contract




  • DoD Multiple Building Types
  • Architecture & CID Services including SID and FFE
  • USACE and UFC Design Guides